Dear Eliza Shaw,

May 22, 20202 min

Embrace the SUCK!

Updated: May 28, 2020

Yesterday I watched a mentor (a big sister) of mine being interviewed by Megan Tannett, of Flourish, on an episode of She Boss. First of all , PeggyLee Wright is an amazing soul. She helped guide me to the pearly gates of the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Incorporated. PeggyLee Wright was being interviewed and shared some of her great accomplishments that led her to start her own business, The Company You Keep. "THE COMPANY YOU KEEP brings expertise in Organizational Leadership, Business Development, and Program Management to enhance Operations & Logistics, Training, and Engineering capability for customers across the Government, Military, Academic, Non-Profit and Industrial Enterprise". It's a huge house of resources for all your business needs. PeggyLee Wright is the catalyst that connects, outsources and builds long lasting relationships to ensure your business success. Such a BOSS BABE!

Of all the valuable nuggets she shared, the one that stood out to me, that I have committed to memory is "Embrace the suck". PeggyLee Wright heard this quote from a very good friend and mentor of hers. When I ponder on this quote, so many things flood my thoughts. At first this quote sounded a little abrasive , tough love-ish but when I thought more about it I began to see it's true value. Embrace the Suck, means don't expect life to be all rainbows, unicorns and happily ever afters. There are going to be some disappointments, failures, rejections and sometimes life is just going to "suck". How we handle that moment will determine our outcomes. If we "embrace the suck" by acknowledging that its just a single moment in time that will pass, we will already be equipped with armor. The "suck" represents a lesson learned, a minor set back but a temporary state. If we already know that sometimes it's going to suck, we can prep ourselves to be less reactive and more pro active. Just a small secret, some of my best make-up applications ( with red lipstick and all) are done when I'm "embracing the suck".

Quote directly
